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RSD Black Friday FAQ

Q: What time do you open on Black Friday?

A: 8AM! All titles and products are first come, first serve while supplies last. Remember, quantities are limited!

Q: What does RSD Black Friday look like at Hi-Fi?

A: For set up, we have the stage and surrounding area dedicated to display the product. We take cash or card and have two separate registers for quick and easy check out.

Q: Do people line up? If so, how early?

A: Yes, people 100% line up each year. The time the line starts all depends on the titles and what each person is wanting. Some folks get here as early as 1AM if they are wanting a highly limited title that is also highly popular. We do not, however, take any control of the line whatsoever until we open our doors; i.e. no number system or line control. If we have to, we will close off entry until it can decongest (example: 4 go in when 4 come out)

Q: Am I able to pre order the title I am looking for?

A: Unfortunately we can not take any pre-payments ahead of RSD Black Friday.

Q: Can you hold a title for me?

A: Just like the no pre-order rule, we can not hold any items. All items are first come first serve while supplies last.

Q: My friend can’t come but wants the same title as me, can I get it for them?

A: Unfortunately, we only allow one of each title per person. The world of flippers is real and we try to limit this reality as much as possible. So no buying the same title for you and a friend or family member.

Q: How many copies are you getting of the title I am interested in?

A: We do not know quantities until shipments start to come in the week of Black Friday. We also, as a store, choose to not release that information when we do know. We pledge to limit and deter flippers as much as possible and this is one avenue we take to do our part. 

Q: What is the cost of the titles I am interested in? 

A: We do not know prices until the week of unfortunately.